About Us
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
— Paul, Ephesians 2:8–10

Our Story
Our church began back in 2009 out of a partnership between Chinese Christian Church (CCC), Milson’s Point and St Bede’s Anglican Church, Beverly Hills to reach the increasingly migrant population in Sydney’s south and south-west. Today, we are a thriving independent evangelical church aiming to be vibrantly Biblical, Spirit-led, and missional - sharing Jesus with all nations.

Our Mission
The mission of South-West Evangelical Church is to cultivate gospel transformation among migrant communities in Sydney's South-West.
- Pray, preach, and pastor towards gospel renewal.
- Build multigenerational and multicultural gospel community.
- Further gospel mission by planting, partnering, and sending.
Our Values

Head + Heart + Hands
Informed by the Word; Transformed for the World.

Jesus Is Worth It
Holding Nothing Back In Living & Giving

Partners Not Passengers
In Church & Mission Everyone Gets To Play

God's Heart = Our Heart
Neighbours + Needy + Nations
Our Beliefs
We believe and affirms the following:
There is only one God in Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. From eternity to eternity he is the sovereign and loving Creator, Judge, and Redeemer. He alone is to be worshipped and served above all else.
- Deuteronomy 6:4
- Psalm 90:2
- Psalm 103
- 2 Corinthians 13:14
- Revelation 4:11
The 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are God's Word. They are inspired by God, completely truthful and trustworthy as originally given, and have supreme authority in all matters of faith, conduct, and experience.
- Luke 24:25-27
- 2 Timothy 3:16-17
- 2 Peter 3:16
Men and women together are created in the image of God and are completely equal in worth and dignity. Our gender is part of God's good design and is not interchangeable. Our sexuality is a good gift from God and is to be enjoyed only in the covenant relationship of a one man, one woman marriage relationship voluntarily entered into for life.
- Genesis 1:26-27
- Matthew 19:4-5
- Galatians 3:26-29
- Hebrews 13:4
Humanity is universally sinful since the Fall and are all guilty before God. Left to ourselves, we are justly under God's wrath and deserving of eternal condemnation.
- Matthew 25:41
- Romans 1:18-32, 3:10-12, 23
Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He is both fully God and fully human. He lived a perfect and sinless life but died on the cross in our place as a once for all sacrifice for our sins, turning God's wrath away from us. On the third day he was raised bodily from the dead and now reigns in heaven as Lord of all. From there he will return to judge the living and the dead and usher in the new creation.
- 1 Corinthians 15:1-8
- 2 Corinthians 5:21
- Philippians 2:6-11
- Colossians 1:15-19
- 1 Peter 3:18
- 2 Peter 3:10-13
It is only through Jesus Christ that humanity can be saved from the guilt, penalty, and power of sin. A person is saved when they are born again by the work of the Holy Spirit, and by his power repent of their sins, put their trust in Jesus Christ, and follow Christ as Lord. Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, not by good works. The final goal of salvation is the bodily resurrection from the dead of all God's people so that they might live and reign eternally with Christ in a new creation.
- Ephesians 2:8-10
- 1 Thessalonians 1:8-10, 4:13-18
- 1 Timothy 2:5
- Titus 3:5
- Revelation 20:6
The Holy Spirit is co-equal with God the Father and the Son and indwells all who have been born again and saved. He brings glory to Jesus and illuminates hearts and minds to hear and obey God's Word. He produces holiness and good works in God's people. He empowers and gifts all believers for service and ministry, for the building up of Christ's body, the church, and as a witness to the world.
- John 14:25-26, 15:26, 16:7-11
- Romans 8:5-13
- 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
- 2 Corinthians 3:12-18
The church is the gathering of God's people around the Lord Jesus. The local church is the visible expression of the heavenly and universal church, and as the body of Christ is key to God's saving purposes for his world and to the growth and flourishing of his people.
The local church submits to Jesus as its Chief Shepherd, and is governed by God's Word and Spirit through its own converted, baptised, and committed members, while overseen and led by a plurality of biblically-qualified elders. It meets regularly for worship, prayer, hearing of God's Word, mutual edification, the sacraments of baptism and holy communion, and church discipline, in order that God's people might be sent into the world for the purpose of service and mission.
- Matthew 16:18, 28:18-20
- Acts 2:42-47, 20:28
- 1 Corinthians 1:2
- Ephesians 1:22-23, 3:10-11, 4:11-16
- Hebrews 12:22-24
Our Team
Our Pastors
Pastors are responsible for leading and teaching the church in accordance with the mission of South-West Evangelical Church and our statement of beliefs.

Marshall Scott
English Pastor
Marshall is married to Julie and they have three sons, Doug, Bill, and Daniel. Marshall and Julie joined the church in 2018 being attracted by the church's demographic and resonating with its mission and philosophy of ministry. Marshall dislikes social media but likes K-Dramas (Korean television dramas), reading travel books and theology, and playing chess. He graduated from Sydney Missionary & Bible College (SMBC) and is our English Pastor.

Stephen Fei
Mandarin Pastor
Stephen is married to Miriam and they have one son, Jonah. Stephen and Miriam joined the church in 2014 for its Scripture-based and Christ-centred teaching, a team of godly Elders and Deacons, members that seek to understand and apply the truth, and a family that lives and cares for one another. Stephen likes reading, thinking, meditating, and praying. He graduated from Sydney Missionary & Bible College (SMBC) and is our Mandarin Pastor.
Our Elders
Elders are Biblically-qualified overseers known for their maturity of faith and Christian character who uphold our statement of beliefs and our members.

Jun (John) Fang
John is marred to Sue and have one son, Daniel. John and Sue joined the church in 2009, coming from Chinese Christian Church (CCC), Milsons Point, and living in the local area. John is one of our Elders, our Treasurer, leads our Mandarin service and preaches bi-monthly.

Brett Jackson
Brett is married to Janette and they have two young daughters. Brett and Janette joined the church in 2021 after moving into the area and hearing about the strong family and children's ministries the church provides. Brett likes computer programming, playing the electric guitar, DIY, gardening, and reading non-fiction Christian books. He is passionate about God's Word, Jesus and the Bible, being clearly taught and communicated. Brett became an Elder in 2023 and is responsible for Welcoming, AV, the church’s website and apps, bookings, and general maintenance.

Stephen Ko
Stephen is married to Jessica. Stephen joined the church in 2009 as he had a passion to reach the next generation of youth and young adults through the training that our church provided in evangelism and Bible-teaching and seeing the evidence of how God is faithful in growing generations of Christians from birth to child to to teenager to young adult and so on. Stephen loves dwelling on God’s Word (the Bible), evangelism and discipleship, praying, meeting together, cooking and hospitality. He became an Elder in 2020, serves as a Sunday School teacher and Community Group leader, and is responsible for the Coffee Cart and youth and young adults.

Steven Lee
Steven is married to Shirley and they have two children, Zachary and Annabelle. Steven and Shirley joined the church in 2023 being attracted to how clear the gospel was being preached, reaching migrants in our local community, and the church’s strong children’s programs that appealed to their children. Steven studied software engineering at UNSW and is an advocate for UNSW’s Campus Bible Study (CBS). He likes to read books, whether fiction, technological, or Christian. Steven became an Elder in 2024 and is passionate about meeting together with people one-to-one or in small groups to read the Bible, as well as reflecting on and discussing theology, culture, and ministry.

Hamish Wan
Hamish is married to Man Lok and they have one young son. Hamish joined the church in 2019, being attracted to the gospel-centric focus of the church, its outward-looking focus on global mission and outreach in the local community, how genuine our members are in their faith and their efforts to become more Christ-like, and to mature his own faith and be a positive influence on others. He enjoys getting to know more deeply and hearing out people’s thoughts in depth, watching K-Dramas (Korean television dramas) with his wife and playing the video game, Starcraft 2. Hamish became an Elder in 2024 and is responsible for Service Leading, Prayer, and Bible Reading during our Sunday English services.

Safe Ministry
We are committed to the Biblical principle of providing safe ministry programs and actively preventing any kinds of abuse against children, youth and adults at South-West Evangelical Church. Our aim is that everyone within our church will be able to safely participate and contribute in appropriate ministry programs, and that they will be able to safely report any incidents of abuse or safety concerns. We will respond appropriately to all reports in the interest of all those involved.
To build and maintain a safe community for our children and vulnerable adults, we are committed to ensuring that:
- All leaders are appropriately screened, trained and appointed;
- All programs are led and run in a safe and appropriate manner;
- There are clear procedures in place for dealing with incident reports and safety concerns, and;
- The leadership team regularly reviews these policies and processes.