
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.

— Peter, 1 Peter 4:10

Why Serve?

At South-West Evangelical Church we believe that all members of God’s family have been called to serve one another just as Christ has served us by laying down his life for us. We would love to invite you to serve alongside us as we look to reach Sydney’s south-west with the love, life and freedom that Jesus offers.

The Bible is clear that when a person truly knows God and has a real relationship with Him, then they should also have a deep desire to serve Him. Jesus says in Luke 4:8, “Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.” Jesus is also our greatest example of serving God, saying of Himself in Matthew 20:28, “just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” On the night of His arrest, Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, leaving them with a final teaching to serve one another, saying in John 13:12–17, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” So if Jesus is all about serving and God wants to make us like Him then it’s pretty obvious that we should be all about serving as well.

According to 1 Corinthians 12:12–31, the church is the body of Christ. Different people have different roles and functions, but different roles doesn’t mean people have differing levels of importance. For example, a Service Leader or musician is no more important than someone on set up, AV, or a cleaner. In fact, all of these must work together in order for the body of Christ (the church) to function. A Pastor or musician cannot be heard without AV setting up and turning on the microphones and everyone might get sick without the cleaner. When one part of the body suffers, we all suffer, but when one part is honoured, every part rejoices.

Finally, according to the Bible, every Christian has been given at least one spiritual gift to use in service to the body of Christ. 1 Peter 4:10–11 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” Finding out what our spiritual gifts are is an important step in determining how best to serve in the church. However, it’s important to know that we don’t need to know what our gift is before we start getting involved. In fact, many people discover what their gifts are by trying out different ways of serving.

An inexhaustive list of spiritual gifts can be found in both Romans 12:6–8 and 1 Corinthians 12:4–11, 28. The website, Got Questions?, has a spiritual gifts survey that is also quite helpful.

Next Steps

First and foremost, are you are follower of Jesus? If you are not, then you probably shouldn’t serve, and not because we don’t want you to, but because we want you to serve with a heart of love for our Lord, Jesus Christ and love others as Jesus Himself loved to serve God. However, if you are a follower of Jesus, then it’s helpful to think about what the needs of the church—His people—and of God’s Kingdom. Consider why you want to serve and think about how you may utilise your freedom in Christ to Glorify God. Also consider if you are driven by a love of serving others, or at least willing to let God work within you towards that goal.

Practically speaking, what are you interested in or already involved in? Do you have any goals in how you want to grow and be challenged to serve? Are you looking to learn something new? Answering these questions will help you establish your next steps. If you are not sure who to talk to, find a Pastor, Elder or Team Leader (see Commitment/Contacts below each ministry) and ask your questions to them or let them know your answers. If you are not comfortable talking about in-person then consider using our Contact Us form.

If you’re ready to serve, then you should complete the Sign Up To Serve form at the bottom of this web page.


This purpose area desires to see people saved to Christ and on mission for Christ, with an emphasis on local outreach and local evangelism strategies.

Explore Courses (Alpha, Christianity Explored)

Explore courses are tools such as Alpha and Christianity Explored that help people meet Jesus either through conversation and connection or through reading the Bible in an open and comfortable setting.

If you have a heart for those who do not yet know Jesus then please consider hosting one of our courses in your home. All leadership and training materials are provided.

Contact: Marshall S

Commitment: Once per week, for about 6 weeks, once or twice per year.

Global Mission

Our team advocates for our missionaries and mission in general by meeting basic support obligations to our missionaries, keeping our missionaries accountable and encouraged, and encouraging church members to be engaged in global mission.

If you have a heart for the lost, especially those in other cultures and countries, or if you want to find out more on how you can partner with our missionaries, feel free to contact Jon. We also run a monthly Unreached People Group prayer group every third Friday of the month between 7.30-9pm.

Contact: Marshall S

Helping Hand

We desire to follow Jesus' example in caring for our local community so we provide food hampers for those in the local community who need assistance.

Jesus had a huge focus on helping anyone in need, both physically and spiritually, when he was here physically on this earth. As Christians here at SWEC we desire to follow in Jesus' example in caring for our local community.

Contact: Julie S

Commitment: Once per week (usually Wednesdays)


This purpose area's desire is to encourage passionate adoration, praise and thanksgiving in God's people through the expression of godly affections - delight and joy, assurance and thanks, lament and sobriety.

Sunday gatherings (or 'services'). It includes everything in a Sunday gathering including the service leading, Bible reading, and musical worship, production, as well as opportunities to worship and meet throughout the week in prayer and worship.

Set Up

Preparing our worship space is vital and helps create a welcoming and comfortable environment for worship. By volunteering in this ministry, you're directly contributing to the smooth flow of the service, ensuring that everyone can focus on serving and worshipping without distraction. Your small acts of preparation have a big impact on creating a space where people can encounter God.

This ministry involves moving furniture, setting up chairs, closing windows, closing blinds, turning on air conditioning, and closing the stage curtain. If this sounds like something you are able to do semi-regularly, please contact us.

Contact: Kaijiun C

Commitment: Sundays before service between 9:15 am and 9:45 am.

Service Leading

We are about the magnification of God's glory in the hearts of the congregation through worship and praise. This involves pointing people to Jesus and leading them in corporate worship of our Lord every Sunday.

We would love for people who have a deep passion for magnifying God's glory in their own hearts and others through leading service and modelling a Christ-like life to consider service leading. Ideally, you would have a sound theological background and be a relatively comfortable speaker in front of the congregation.

Contact: Hamish W

Commitment: Sundays at 10:00 am


We are about the magnification of God's glory in the hearts of the congregation through worship and praise. This involves leading them in prayer to our Lord every Sunday.

We would love for people who have a deep passion for magnifying God in their own hearts and others through prayer and modelling a Christ-like life to consider praying. Ideally, you would be a relatively comfortable speaker in front of the congregation.

Contact: Hamish W

Commitment: Sundays at 10:00 am

Bible Reading

We are about the magnification of God's glory in the hearts of the congregation through worship and praise. This involves pointing people to Jesus and leading them in their reading of God's Word—the Bible—every Sunday.

We would love for people who have a deep passion for magnifying God's Word in their own hearts and others through leading service and modelling a Christ-like life to consider service leading. Ideally, you would be a relatively comfortable speaker in front of the congregation.

Contact: Hamish W

Commitment: Sundays at 10:00 am


We support and enable our church to operate in both our physical and online gatherings via the use of technology. This includes filming & recording, live streaming, audio desk, and operating slides for Sunday services & special events.

We are looking for anyone who is willing to learn and serve our church in this way. We are always keen to have more people trained up to operate the AV desk - no prior experience is necessary!

Contact: Jeremy W

Commitment: Sundays at 10:00 am


It is our joy to see hearts stirred to magnify Christ through truthful songs and musical worship. We are always welcoming those who have a heart to serve the congregation through musical worship and who are willing to grow in this area.

Contact: Michael W

Commitment: Sundays at 10:00 am


The Lord's Supper/Christian Communion is a remembrance of what Christ did for us and a celebration of what we receive as a result of His sacrifice. All Christians are encouraged to we should examine themselves before eating the bread and drinking the cup.

We are looking for Christians who are willing to assist in serving the Lord's Supper to our church family and washing up afterwards.

Contact: Stephen K & Brett J

Commitment: Sundays at 10:00 am, once per month


This purpose area seeks to to passionately and intentionally gather all people who come to SWEC so that they: are captured by the gospel, value their membership in God's family, have a strong sense of connection and belonging, seek to love and care for those God has gathered.

Welcoming & Connecting

Connecting is all about making all those who attend church feel comfortable - whether you're a newcomer or a familiar face.

Those who are keen on being the first point of contact for anyone visiting church and making them feel welcomed are encouraged to join our team!

Contact: Anson N

Commitment: Sundays before service between 10:30 am and 11:15 am, and after service between 12:15 pm and 12:45 pm.

Coffee Cart

We love seeing people walk into God's church and warmly welcomed. We offer a hot cup of coffee for new comers and friends you bring along, to a warm cup of chai to start conversations and catch up for the past week, or a cup of hot chocolate for families and kids.

We love seeing children at church, and we want to support the mums and dads if even through a caffeine boost on a Sunday morning (talk to us and we want to buy you a cuppa).

If you are keen to serve a cup of care, a cup of conversation, a cup of coffee to connect people to our church, then join our team who loves to see people be a part of church.

Contact: Stephen K

Commitment: Sundays before service between 9:10 am and 10:00 am, and after service between 11:30 am and 12:00 pm, once per month.

Food & Hospitality

Church lunch occurs immediately after our Sunday English service at Kingsgrove once per month and everyone is invited. It rotates between catered lunches and bring-your-own lunches.

If you have cooking skills, experiencing in hospitality, or organisational skills, please consider joining our team.


Commitment: Meals: Flexible; Church Lunch: Sundays after service, between 12:30 pm and 2:00 pm, once per month


Baptism is the means by which a person makes a public profession of faith in Jesus and a decision to follow Him.

If you would like to assist our pastors with running baptism courses and baptising new believers, please contact one of our pastors.

Contact: Marshall S

Commitment: Flexible

Partnership (My Church 1 & 2)

Partnership is what South-West Evangelical Church calls membership. To be a Partner means to be on board with our mission, vision and core values, to affirm and hold to the beliefs and distinctives of our church, and to agree to a responsible member of our church and the expectations that come from that.

Partnership is the hopeful and prayerful end result of a continuum that starts when a visitor or newcomer first walks through our door. We work concurrently with the Welcoming & Connecting, Coffee Cart, Food & Hospitality, and Baptism teams. If you already work on one of these teams or would like to be a part of seeing people make a deeper commitment to Jesus through our church, then please consider joining our team!

Contact: Brett J & Steven L

Commitment: Newcomers Breakfast/Lunch (My Church 1): Four times per year; Partnership Course (My Church 2): Two times per year


This purpose area desires those attending SWEC know God deeply through the word and prayer, in community.

Community Groups

Our team consists of leaders who are passionate about gathering people over the study of scripture, and helping to mature and discipline those who are able to apply God's Word day-to-day.

If you would like to join a CG, or want to be trained up to lead a community group, please reach out to us.

Contact: Shirley L, Bill B & Matt W

Commitment: Every Wednesday between 7:30 pm and 10:00 pm (leading) and Sunday afternoons once per term (training)

Youth Group (ConneXion)

As youth leaders our goal is to make disciples by investing in the next generation. We do this through prayer, modelling Christian living and sharing the gospel to young people such as high schoolers.

We are looking for new leaders who are passionate about Jesus and keen to see the Gospel shared with the next generation, and preferably those who are able to serve long-term to walk more closely alongside youth.

Contact: Anthony L & Christina L

Commitment: Fridays between 7:30 pm and 9:30 pm


Xiao Peng You / 小朋友 is an English/Mandarin Chinese playgroup for babies to pre-school aged children.

If you would like to help with story-time, singing, craft, or morning tea, please contact us.

No experience is necessary to help - you'll just need to hold a valid WWCC.

Contact: Grace L

Commitment: Fridays between 10:00 am and 11:30 am during public school terms


Our goal is for children to become disciples of Jesus and to grow and mature in their relationship with Him. We believe this happens through prayer, faithfully teaching God's word, sharing our lives and modelling what it means to love and follow Jesus.

No experience is necessary to help - you'll just need to hold a valid WWCC.

Contact: Erica J & Man Lok W

Commitment: Sundays between 10:00 am and 12:30 pm during public school terms

Sunday School

Our goal is for children to become disciples of Jesus and to grow and mature in their relationship with Him. We believe this happens through prayer, faithfully teaching God's word, sharing our lives and modelling what it means to love and follow Jesus.

No experience is necessary to help - you'll just need to hold a valid WWCC.

Contact: Clarissa L, Stephen K & Woojin Y

Commitment: Sundays between 10:00 am and 12:30 pm during public school terms

Teen Bible Study

Teen Bible Study uses age-specific material with a practical focus - helping teenagers to engage deeply with the Bible in a way that will equip them for getting more out of our church services.

No experience is necessary to help (you'll just need to hold a valid WWCC).

Contact: Amelia C & Anthony Lu

Commitment: Sundays at 10:00 am during public school terms


Our hope is to foster a community between brothers in Christ, where everyone is cared for in fellowship and prayer, with no one left out.

If you would like to join a small group of men who meet up to share, read and pray with one another, please reach out to us.

Contact: Brett J


Our vision is to grow a desire for the women of SWEC to meet up intentionally in 121/321 groups, to share, read from God's Word, and prayer. This takes training and through discipleship in reading the Bible, our women will be empowered by God's Word in their daily lives.

Contact: Shirley L


Our team consists of leaders who are passionate about gathering parents over the study of scripture online via Zoom, and helping to mature and discipline those who are able to apply God's Word day-to-day. We hold regular socials so that our kids can play with each other and the parents can catch up.

If you would like to join a Community Group online via Zoom, or want to be trained up to lead a community group, please reach out to us.

Contact: Charles Z & Felishia K, Brett J & Janette J

Commitment: Fortnightly


This purpose are desires to see people increasingly grow to 'serve like Jesus', who served us gladly, sacrificially and because of the hope we have.

Safe Ministry

We are committed to the Biblical principle of providing safe ministry programs and actively preventing any kinds of abuse against children, youth and adults at South-West Evangelical Church. Our aim is that everyone within our church will be able to safely participate and contribute in appropriate ministry programs, and that they will be able to safely report any incidents of abuse or safety concerns. We will respond appropriately to all reports in the interest of all those involved.

Contact: Vania T

Commitment: Flexible


Our website is often the first thing potential visitors to our church see. It is the public face of who we and what we do and provides the first point of contact before visiting on a Sunday.

If you have skills in web development or would love to learn then please contact us.

Contact: Jeremy W & Brett J

Commitment: Flexible

Social Media

Social media provides us with an opportunity to communicate effectively with those both within and outside the church. It gives us opportunities to meet and engage with others, promote our events and activities, and build community.

If you have skills in organisation, marketing, media, and communications (or would love to learn) then please contact us.

Contact: Tabitha W

Commitment: Flexible


Our team creates visually engaging graphics for sermons and church events. We use graphic design software such as Canva (provided) to produce high-quality images that effectively communicate to our congregations as well as those outside the church.

If you have skills in creativity, attention to detail, and an understanding of visual storytelling, then please contact us.

Contact: Hamish W

Commitment: Flexible


Our apps allow everyone to stay up to date with our our church. You can watch the latest service “live” with the sermon “outline” and past services, listen to the latest sermon and past sermons, read the Bible while watching the latest service or listening to the latest sermon or for your own personal "quiet time", and connect with us through Facebook and Instagram, special events, Community Groups, and our kids, youth and playgroup.

If you have skills in programming or app development or would love to learn then please contact us.

Contact: Brett J

Commitment: Flexible


Photography is important in that it captures significant events, services, and milestones, preserving memories for our church, and showcasing the vibrancy of church life and events. These photos (as seen on this website) may be used for marketing materials, social media, and newsletters, attracting visitors and newcomers.

If you have skills in photography, please consider joining our team.

Contact: Jeremiah L, Andrew W & Jeremy W

Commitment: Flexible

Bookings & Church Calendar

There is a lot going on at our church at any one time so our bookings system and church calendar are important tools in keep church events, services, and activities organised, ensuring everyone is aware of what is happening.

If you have some experience in organisation and administration, or know how to navigate around a calendar, we'd love for you to consider joining our team!

Contact: Brett J & Stephen K

Commitment: Flexible

Elvanto & Rostering

Our church uses Elvanto to manage our church and our serving roster. Organising our church in this way ensures we have a clear picture about where people are at in their faith journey as well as encouraging participation through serving God and His people.

If you have some experience in Elvanto, or know how to mobilise people to serve (or would like to learn how), we'd love for you to consider joining our team!

Contact: Team Leaders


Our team assists the church board and staff with their finances, budget, and expenses. We do our best to be good stewards of our financials in hopes of helping our church's growth and health.

If you have some experience in finance and accounting, or know how to navigate around account softwares and Excel spreadsheets, we'd love for you to consider joining our team!

Contact: Jun F (Treasurer) & Yvonne F (Assistant Treasurer)


By keeping out church clean and tidy, our team (usually part of a Community Group) helps create a welcoming atmosphere and inviting space for regulars and newcomers alike. We also keep our most vulnerable people healthy by minimising the spread of germs and allergens.

Contact: Community Groups

Commitment: Thursdays at 7:00 pm during school terms and every Sunday after service at 12:30 pm


Regular maintenance helps protect the church's physical assets, extending the life of furnishings and facilities.

If you would like to help maintain our building and its assets (or learn how to do so) then please consider joining our team.

Contact: Brett J

Commitment: Flexible

Sign Up To Serve