When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
— Paul, 1 Corinthians 13:11

Community Groups
Community Groups are key to discipleship and fellowship here at South-West Evangelical Church.
During the week people from our church gather together to think about how their faith in Jesus makes a difference to their lives. We believe that a relationship with Jesus extends to every moment of our lives. So we come together regularly to walk through life together, encouraging one another to think about the difference Jesus makes to us in all circumstances.
We encourage everyone to join a Community Group as there are groups for all people at all stages of life, including high school students, university students, young workers, older workers, mothers, fathers, and the young at heart. As we learn how to study the Bible, these groups are a great place to ask questions, discovering what living faithfully for Jesus looks like. We’ll also talk about the challenges that we face as we navigate life in an increasingly fallen world, and take time to pray and encourage each other.
If you’re interested in finding more about who Jesus is and how he’s relevant to your life, or if you’d like to grow more in understanding how to love God and to love your neighbour, please make time to visit one of our Community Groups and find out more.

Our hope is to foster a community between brothers in Christ, where everyone is cared for in fellowship and prayer, with no man left out.
If you would like to join a small group of men who meet up to share, read and pray with one another, please reach out.

Our vision is to grow a desire for the women of South-West Evangelical Church to meet up intentionally in pairs, triplets, and small groups to share with each other, read from the Bible, and pray. This takes training and through discipleship in reading the Bible, our women will be empowered by God’s Word in their daily lives.

Helping Hand
We desire to follow Jesus’s example in caring for our local community so we provide food hampers for those in the local community who need assistance.
Jesus had a huge focus on helping anyone in need, both physically and spiritually, when he was here physically on this earth. As Christians here at SWEC we desire to follow in Jesus’ example in caring for our local community.
Once per week (usually Wednesdays) we provide food hampers for those in the local community who need assistance. Our hampers mainly consist of fresh vegetables, fruit, bread and frozen meat/vegan items. We’re very appreciative of the amazing support we receive from Woolworths, Kingsgrove, who generously donate a range of food. We also receive donations and purchase food and other items from Food Bank.
All of our helpers are volunteers and work hard to serve those who could do with a helping hand in our local area.
If you could do with a food hamper please join the “Helping Hand Kingsgrove” Facebook group and simply reply with a, “Yes, please”, when hampers are ready for the week.

Table Tennis
"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." —Paul, 1 Timothy 4:8 (NIV)
Table tennis is not only a great way to get some exercise but also a fun way to interact with others socially. Whether playing competitively or casually, table tennis offers you an opportunity to get to know other Christians at our church in a fun and relaxed setting.

"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." —Paul, 1 Timothy 4:8 (NIV)
Badminton is not only a great workout but also a fun way to interact with others socially. Whether playing competitively or casually, badminton offers you an opportunity to get to know other Christians at our church in a fun and relaxed setting.