Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
— Solomon, Proverbs 22:6

Our weekly program involves singing, playing games and craft activities as kids learn from the Bible together.
SWEC Kids runs during our 10 am services.
Kids start in the main church with parents and carers. Early into the service we have a live or video Kidspot and then invite kids to head out to the Creche room. On your child’s first visit to Creche we will ask the parent or carer present to complete a registration form, so we can best care for them.
We also provide a nursing room for young babies and their carers with nappy changing facilities and a live stream of the service.

Parent Community Groups
Community Groups are key to discipleship and fellowship at all stages of life here at South-West Evangelical Church, especially for our new parents.
Being a parent can be difficult and it’s all too easy to put studying the Bible and meeting with others to the side during this busy seasons of life. At South-West Evangelical Church, we believe that Community Groups are key to discipleship and fellowship at all stages of life, especially for new parents. This is why we provide a fortnightly Community Group via Zoom, alternating between mums and dads. Our hope and prayer is that this format provides your family with an opportunity to look after your children while your wife or husband has the opportunity to meet with other mums or dads respectively. We also have weekly in-person Community Groups that cater for parents.
These groups are a great place to ask questions, discovering what living faithfully for Jesus looks like as a parent. We also talk about the challenges that we face parents as we navigate life in an increasingly fallen world, and take time to pray and encourage each other.
If you’re interested in finding more about who Jesus is and how he’s relevant to your stage of life, or if you’d like to grow more in understanding how to love God as a parent and teach your kids about Jesus, please make time to visit one of our Community Groups and find out more.

Family Socials
Family social events are an opportunity for you and your children to develop strong friendships and outside of our formal church services.
Family social events allow families to connect with one another outside of formal church services, which leads to strong friendships between parents and all of the children. They provide an opportunity for new and existing parents to meet other parents in a relaxed environment. They also provide the opportunity to share experiences and challenges of parenting with others who may be facing similar situations.
Family social events are run by the parents of our church and are a good opportunity to model Jesus by serving and showing hospitality to other parents.
If you would like to run a family social event or attend one, please get in touch.