Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
— Jesus, Mark 10:14
We value our children by teaching them about the great news of Jesus and how all of the Bible is important, meaningful and relevant to their lives.
On Sundays
SWEC Kids is a safe space for kids to have fun, make friends, and learn about Jesus. Our weekly program involves singing, playing games and craft activities as kids learn from the Bible together
SWEC Kids runs during our 10 am services.
Kids start in the main church with parents and carers. Early into the service we have a live or video Kidspot and then invite kids to head out to their programs. On your child’s first visit to SWEC Kids we will ask the parent or carer present to complete a registration form, so we can best care for them.
We run four kids programs at our Sunday meetings:
6–24 months
SWEC Minis
3–5 years
Lower Primary
School years 1–3
Upper Primary
School years 4–6
We also provide a nursing room for young babies and their carers with nappy changing facilities and a live stream of the service.
Our amazing SWEC Kids leaders are volunteers who are committed to providing a fun and caring environment for each child so they can grow in their relationship with God. All of our leaders have up to date Working With Children Checks, and regularly complete safe ministry and child protection training.
We’d love to meet your kids on Sunday! Come and check us out!
During the Week

Playgroup (Xiao Peng You / 小朋友)
Want your kids to learn and have fun? Want to meet other mums and grandmothers?
Xiao Peng You / 小朋友 is an English/Mandarin Chinese playgroup for babies to pre-school aged children.
Bring your children along for story-time, singing, craft, morning tea and free play in a relaxed, informal environment while you make friends and chat in Mandarin or English.