你们得救是靠着恩典,借着信心。这不是出于自己,而是 神所赐的; 这也不是出于行为,免得有人自夸。 我们原是 神所作成的,是在基督耶稣里创造的,为的是要我们行各样的善事,就是 神预先所安排的。
— 保罗, 以弗所书 2:8-10

我们的教会成立于2009年,源于华人基督教会(CCC)和圣比德教堂(St Bede's Anglican Church)之间的合作,旨在服务于悉尼南部和西南部日益增长的移民人口。如今,我们是一所蓬勃发展的独立福音教会,目标是充满活力地以《圣经》为基础,以圣灵引导,致力于宣教——与所有民族分享耶稣。

- 藉着祈祷、传道、牧养培养福音更新
- 建设多文化和多世代的福音社区
- 藉着植堂、合作、差派实现福音宣教使命
Our Values

Head + Heart + Hands
Informed by the Word; Transformed for the World.

Jesus Is Worth It
Holding Nothing Back In Living & Giving

Partners Not Passengers
In Church & Mission Everyone Gets To Play

God's Heart = Our Heart
Neighbours + Needy + Nations
- 申命记 6:4
- 诗篇 90:2
- 诗篇 103
- 哥林多后书 13:14
- 启示录 4:11
- 路加福音 24:25-27
- 提摩太后书 3:16-17
- 彼得后书 3:16
- 创世记 1:26-27
- 马太福音 19:4-5
- 加拉太书 3:26-29
- 希伯来书 13:4
- 马太福音 25:41
- 罗马书 1:18-32, 3:10-12, 23
- 哥林多前书 15:1-8
- 哥林多后书 5:21
- 腓立比书 2:6-11
- 歌罗西书 1:15-19
- 彼得前书 3:18
- 彼得后书 3:10-13
- 以弗所书 2:8-10
- 帖撒罗尼迦前书 1:8-10, 4:13-18
- 提摩太前书 2:5
- 提多书 3:5
- 启示录 20:6
- 约翰福音 14:25-26, 15:26, 16:7-11
- 罗马书 8:5-13
- 哥林多前书 12:1-11
- 哥林多后书 3:12-18
- 马太福音 16:18, 28:18-20
- 使徒行传 2:42-47, 20:28
- 哥林多前书 1:2
- 以弗所书 1:22-23, 3:10-11, 4:11-16
- 希伯来书 12:22-24
Our Pastors
Pastors are responsible for leading and teaching the church in accordance with the mission of South-West Evangelical Church and our statement of beliefs.

Marshall Scott
English Pastor
Marshall is married to Julie and they have three sons, Doug, Bill, and Daniel. Marshall and Julie joined the church in 2018 being attracted by the church's demographic and resonating with its mission and philosophy of ministry. Marshall dislikes social media but likes K-Dramas (Korean television dramas), reading travel books and theology, and playing chess. He graduated from Sydney Missionary & Bible College (SMBC) and is our English Pastor.

Stephen Fei
Mandarin Pastor
Stephen is married to Miriam and they have one son, Jonah. Stephen and Miriam joined the church in 2014 for its Scripture-based and Christ-centred teaching, a team of godly Elders and Deacons, members that seek to understand and apply the truth, and a family that lives and cares for one another. Stephen likes reading, thinking, meditating, and praying. He graduated from Sydney Missionary & Bible College (SMBC) and is our Mandarin Pastor.
Our Elders
Elders are Biblically-qualified overseers known for their maturity of faith and Christian character who uphold our statement of beliefs and our members.

Jun (John) Fang
John is marred to Sue and have one son, Daniel. John and Sue joined the church in 2009, coming from Chinese Christian Church (CCC), Milsons Point, and living in the local area. John is one of our Elders, our Treasurer, leads our Mandarin service and preaches bi-monthly.

Brett Jackson
Brett is married to Janette and they have two young daughters. Brett and Janette joined the church in 2021 after moving into the area and hearing about the strong family and children's ministries the church provides. Brett likes computer programming, playing the electric guitar, DIY, gardening, and reading non-fiction Christian books. He is passionate about God's Word, Jesus and the Bible, being clearly taught and communicated. Brett became an Elder in 2023 and is responsible for Welcoming, AV, the church’s website and apps, bookings, and general maintenance.

Stephen Ko
Stephen is married to Jessica. Stephen joined the church in 2009 as he had a passion to reach the next generation of youth and young adults through the training that our church provided in evangelism and Bible-teaching and seeing the evidence of how God is faithful in growing generations of Christians from birth to child to to teenager to young adult and so on. Stephen loves dwelling on God’s Word (the Bible), evangelism and discipleship, praying, meeting together, cooking and hospitality. He became an Elder in 2020, serves as a Sunday School teacher and Community Group leader, and is responsible for the Coffee Cart and youth and young adults.

Steven Lee
Steven is married to Shirley and they have two children, Zachary and Annabelle. Steven and Shirley joined the church in 2023 being attracted to how clear the gospel was being preached, reaching migrants in our local community, and the church’s strong children’s programs that appealed to their children. Steven studied software engineering at UNSW and is an advocate for UNSW’s Campus Bible Study (CBS). He likes to read books, whether fiction, technological, or Christian. Steven became an Elder in 2024 and is passionate about meeting together with people one-to-one or in small groups to read the Bible, as well as reflecting on and discussing theology, culture, and ministry.

Hamish Wan
Hamish is married to Man Lok and they have one young son. Hamish joined the church in 2019, being attracted to the gospel-centric focus of the church, its outward-looking focus on global mission and outreach in the local community, how genuine our members are in their faith and their efforts to become more Christ-like, and to mature his own faith and be a positive influence on others. He enjoys getting to know more deeply and hearing out people’s thoughts in depth, watching K-Dramas (Korean television dramas) with his wife and playing the video game, Starcraft 2. Hamish became an Elder in 2024 and is responsible for Service Leading, Prayer, and Bible Reading during our Sunday English services.

- 所有的领袖都经过适当的筛选、培训并正式任命;
- 所有项目都以安全且合适的方式领导和开展;
- 设立清晰的程序以处理事件报告和安全隐患;
- 领导团队定期审查这些政策和流程。